Our FAQ aims to help you find quick answers to your questions and better understand how TalkZone was designed. Nevertheless, if you have any question or need additional information, do not hesitate to contact us by email at info@talkzone.ch.

Any member of the EPFL or UNIL community can join. The only requirement is to have an @epfl.ch or @unil.ch email address. You can access TalkZone from anywhere with your phone or computer.

Yes, only registered users can see posts and participate on TalkZone. For security reasons and to ensure that only students from EPFL and UNIL can join, you will need to verify your email address at registration.

No, never. Your email is private and never displayed on the site.

Everything! Posts, comments, reactions, courses discussions, feedback, questions, answers, advice and more.

Yes, everything you publish on TalkZone can be anonymous or not. However, we suggest you not to do this systematically, and instead to set up a profile with an image to make it more pleasant.

Yes (and no). Posts and comments that are sent with an active anonymous checkmark, will always appear as anonymous to everyone else. This means that there is no way for other users of the site to correlate your anonymous post/comment with your specific account. However, from the backend perspective, each post and comment (anonymous or not) is linked to an account. This ensures that the author can modify or delete at any time his post, even if it was sent anonymously.

If a post/comment is not anonymous, other users can see your pseudo and profile picture next to that post/comment. They can also open your profile page to see what school and section you are from, your bio and the date you registered. Email addresses are never revealed.

Yes, you can find this feature when you click on the three dots next to your post/comment.

Yes, nobody can see who has liked/disliked a post/comment. The principle is the same as for anonymous posts/comments.

No, there is no moderation team that subjectively decides if a content is appropriate or not. If a post is inappropriate, you can report it. After a certain number of reports on the same post, we will contact by email the author of that post to kindly ask him to either edit or delete the content. In the case the author decides to ignore and to do nothing, we will blur and de-annonymize the post. At this point, it is a matter of his own civil responsibility. The initiation of a judicial complaint against the author of any post is always possible.

Recall by the Terms of Service:
We are not liable for any statements or representations in your contributions provided by you in any area on the site. You are solely responsible for your contributions to the site and you expressly agree to exonerate us from any and all responsibility and to refrain from any legal action against us regarding your contributions.

First of all, note that this site is not public. Only members of the EPFL and UNIL community can join and see the posts and other content on TalkZone.
If discussions on courses were not legal, there would be serious issues with freedom of expression. What is not legal though is to rate teachers and criticize a person directly. For remainder, the attack on the integrity of a person is punishable by law.

No it's not. TalkZone does not aim to provide an alternative to regular course evaluations. Rather it's a fun way to see which courses are hardest or most frustrating, which is not the same as a course being badly taught. If there is a real problem with a course, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with the professor, class representative or section direction.

- Any illegal content (such as: talk and rate people, racism, homophobia, discrimination, intimidation, harassment, etc.)
- Rate professors
- Spam
- Non french/english content

If you've found some inappropriate content, you can report it. After a certain number of reports on the same post, we will contact by email the author of that post to kindly ask him to either edit or delete the content. In the case the author decides to ignore and to do nothing, we will blur and de-annonymize the post. At this point, it is a matter of his own civil responsibility. The initiation of a judicial complaint against the author of any post is always possible.

Recall by the Terms of Service:
We are not liable for any statements or representations in your contributions provided by you in any area on the site. You are solely responsible for your contributions to the site and you expressly agree to exonerate us from any and all responsibility and to refrain from any legal action against us regarding your contributions.

No, TalkZone was designed in a manner that everyone can see everyone else's posts, without restricting the scope to only the friends you follow.

We are a group of students from EPFL that are passionated by IT and have some ambitions. You can see the contributors of the project in our GitHub repository.

Yes, the project is fully collaborative and open-source. You can find the code on GitHub. If you are interested to join and contribute to the project, or you simply have some good ideas, do not hesitate to contact us!

A zone is a discussion space with one subject. Zones can be nested within one another in order to better classify and organize the discussions. You can easily navigate trough different zones using the left panel on the site.

At this time, no. But we are working to implement such a feature. Stay tuned!
If you wish to add some new zones, let us know directly on TalkZone or by email at info@talkzone.ch.

We store only what is strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the site. In particular, we do not use any cookies or tracker/analytics tools. For a detailed description of what data we store precisely, please see our Privacy Policy, or the code source on GitHub.

The backend and frontend of TalkZone actually fully support Tequila integration both for registration of new users and for login. The only thing we need is that the IP address of TalkZone server is added to Tequila's whitelist, since the server is not hosted in EPFL's intranet. The latest news we have from the Service Desk is that they are reluctant to this kind of (innovative) projects. Currently, Tequila feature is not enabled in production, but you can login and register with your email.

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